Craftsmanship Around the World


Iqbal Ahmed of Nagpur, India learned precision machining out of necessity to keep his father's repair business going. Now he makes model steam and gas engines for fun. With almost no clubs or shows in India for him to display his work, few have gotten to see what he can do. He also had no opportunity to compare his work to others and to benefit from the shared learning and competition this brings to one's work. This site makes it possible for people all over the world to display their work.

Craftsmen represented in this section are:

 (Click for larger image)

Craftsman (Click name to visit page on this craftsman)

Typical Project (Click for larger image)

Iqbal Ahmed


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Sometimes projects are submitted that perhaps don't fit into a particular category or are unique simply because of where they come from and how they were made. In this section we present projects that perhaps on their own would not be considered of a level of craftsmanship to be included with others in a given section, but when the limitations imposed on the craftsman because of his location or working conditions are considered, they take on a new level of interest. When cave men were chipping flint spear points, somewhere was a guy who made them sharper than anyone else. When wagon wheels were made by hand, somewhere was a guy who made wheels rounder and stronger than anyone else. In today's world where part tolerances are measured in tenthousandths of an inch, there are still people working with relatively simple tools and techniques who turn out work that is far better than one would expect. In the hands of a real craftsman, for example, a chain saw can yield beautiful results. Featured in this section are craftsmen from around the world who perhaps did not have the advantage of formal training in their craft or the availability of the best and most modern tools, yet they insisted on taking their work to levels much higher than those around them. Where they come from and for what they do, they are "The Best."

New Submissions Welcomed

If you have additional information on a project or builder shown on this site that your would like to contribute, please e-mail We also welcome new contributions. Please see our page at newsubmit.htm for a submission form and guidelines for submitting descriptive copy and photos for a new project.

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 No part of this web site, including the text, photos or illustrations, may be reproduced or transmitted in any other form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) for commercial use without the prior written permission of The Joe Martin Foundation. Reproduction or reuse for educational and non-commercial use is permitted.